HCPprofiler Services

Get Individual identification and quantification of your Host Cell Proteins all along your bioprocess.
Support Regulatory Dossier, improve your DownStream Process (DSP)
and understand impact of UpStream Process (USP) on HCP.

A unique technology and know how to identify and quantify HCPs at each step of your bioprocess

  • Based on a proprietary technology and a universal standard

  • Dedicated software to convert MS signal into amount of proteins

  • Identification Of individual HCP

  • Quantification Of Individual HCP

  • Get a viewer of our dedicated application to play with your data

  • Thanks to READYBEADS technology, get accurate quantification of all identify HCP

  • We have developed a dedicated software to get robust data and simplify sample comparison

  • Thanks to our Specific Sample Preparation. We identify HCP at low concentration.

  • Thanks to our Universal Standard and our dedicated software, we are able to convert MS Signal into amount of Protein

  • Compare samples and generate your own result table for internal report

De-risks biologic development by providing specific information about HCP identity and quantification levels throughout the manufacture, purification, and final product quality testing stages.

The strategy of the HCP profiler consists in spiking a universal calibration curve of synthetic peptides accurately calibrated thanks to the READYBEADS™ technology. The calibration curve allows the conversion of the peptide signal into a quantitative measurement of all identified proteins. Peptides used in the calibration curve have been chosen by ANAQUANT for their specificity meaning their sequences do not correspond to any of the proteome of the taxonomy used for the manufacture of inolimomab (B-B10 host cell line). All identified proteins are normalized using this calibration curve and the normalized signal is compared batch to batch. The coupling of internal standards with a dedicated software allows the improvement of data process robustness. It facilitates the comparison of independent data from different samples and batches and allows the reproducible quantification of individual HCP as orthogonal method to complement HCP testing by ELISA

Thanks to our dedicated software, it becomes easy to compare protein quantity between different batch production of each HCPs within all production batches.


Inter-laboratory Reproducibility

Comparison of data over time

Universal standard to compare highly differentiated samples